Thursday, July 17, 2008


Hi. Welcome to my blog. Despite the title, there is nothing here about fishing. I'll be covering topics like crochet (that is done with a Hook), funny lyrics for our favorite songs(the lines), Nintendo DS games, life with Billy, and our dog, Stitch. (The stinker!) Life is so full of material to fill up a blog with. Chock full.

Crochet is a french word. Very often, purposely pronounced 'Crotch-It' as a term of endearment. It's helped me to begin
my recovery from a serious Nintendo DS addiction. I still play Club House Games - Billiards every day. Billy is always supportive of whatever compels me at the moment. He 'hooked' me up with a hooks he got at the thrift store yesterday. It was about 20 hooks and a little zipping up leather case. Thanks again, Billy! Stitch, my dog, gets his yarn on too. That's my yarn, Stitch! You can't have it.

I've been wanting to set this blog up for a while just so I could have something to look back upon and refresh my waning short term memory. It's so much harder to remember things now that I'm older. I'm going to be 35 this year. Whoa, that just hit me. I knew how old I was, but typing that sentence just now planted the reality firmly into my mind. Eventually, I may learn to write patterns and give them away. I find patterns to be overwhelmingly cryptic. I'll start from a pattern, with good intentions, but soon I've converted to free form.

This blog has also been born as a sister-blog to Playin' Hookie at Work , which is my sister's blog. She's the one who taught me how to crochet recently. She's a natural born whiz at anything textile. She sews, crochets, and needlepoint or cross stitches -- all that. She comes over and we post up with our yarn and our hooks and have a full on Stitch & Bitch that can go on till 3 in the morning. She designs the coolest shit! She made some little booties for Newborns in Need and they look like little tennis shoes. She's doing a Hello Kitty face right now.

I'm working on a few different projects all the time. Never just one. Right now, I'm making a pillow for Billy.

Sidecars are for Bitches.

1 comment:

  1. diggin the title... just not the logo. i'll find a better one
